Tuesday, October 13, 2009

September, 2009

Ella and I had a photo shoot done together in September! We hadn't had any pictures taken together yet. I am so glad we had these done because I love how they turned out!

Pretty flower.....

Laughing at mommy!

So sweet!!! LOVE HER!

So pretty!

This is a cute outfit my friend Jana sent Ella in the mail! Thank you Jana!!!

Jeff's parents came back down for another visit. They got in around 10pm and that's when Ella has her night time bottle, so Jeff's mom got to go in and feed her when they got in from the airport. I don't think she had a problem with that at all!! :o)

Grandpa came in to say hi too!

Snuggle time with grandma and grandpa the next morning.

Grandma fed Ella her rice cereal and fruit for breakfast.

Getting reaquainted :o)

Grandpa's Girl!!!

Waiting in JCPenney's to have a photo shoot with grandma and grandpa!

Grandma entertaining Ella in the waiting room of the pediatrician. She had to get her shots, so grandma came along to help comfort her afterwards. She did really well....cried for about 15 seconds and then got over it! Daddy wouldv'e been so proud!!!

Grandma and Grandpa French bought Ella a swing! She LOVES IT!! We can swing her four hours and she smiles every time you give her a push! So cute!!!

Hangin' out in the baby pool! Ella is a water baby for sure!

Spending time with G'ma and g'pa in the mornings while mommy slept in!

I don't think they love her very much! LOL ;o)

Some of these pictures are out of order, but this was they day I took them back to the airport...we went and saw Jeff up at work.

Typical French picture......they all hate the camera! Out to eat on Jeff's lunch break from work.

Me and my lovely Mother-in-law!!!

This is the second day they were here! It was hot and we decided after Ella played in her baby pool with Grandma, that we would go to the big pool!!!

Grandpa and Ella at the pool!

The French girls at the pool!

Play time!! Cant see her teeth yet when she smiles, but you can feel them!!!

"But Grandma....I dont want to eat peas!!"

Sooo tired after a full afternoon of swimming!!!

Pretty Eyes!!!

All ready for church!

Jeff introduced his dad to XBOX 360. They had a blast together!

Playtime with Ella! What a happy girl!!!

"Are you talking to me??" :o)

Smiling for Grandma!

Getting those legs strong!

Ella was never a drooler until she starting teething! This is an outfit that Uncle Tim gave her! It's adorable! Thank you Uncle Tim and Kristi!

I love my Grandpa!! He plays with me and reads to me, and tells me all kinds of random trivia that he thinks I need to know to make me smart one day!!

Spending time with Grandma outside in the beautiful mild weather.

Playing with Grandma in one of the cute outfits she gave me!

Grandma and Grandpa imparted to me all of their knowledge and wisdom so that I am very smart and don't do anything stupid! LOL :o) Oh...and grandma told me her secret chocolate chip recipe, but I'm not supposed to tell my mom! :o)

Giving Grandpa kisses!

Grandpa fed me my last bottle before leaving for the airport! :o(

Thank you so much Grandma and Grandpa for coming back down to see me!!! I have gotten to spend almost a whole month of the first six months of my life with you! Thank you for investing so much time into my life!! I love you very much!! -Ella xoxoxo

I finally got Ella's painting hung on her wall in her nursery! I love how they turned out!! Thank you Jana and Robert for painting them for me!!!

This dress was my neice Sophias! She is seven now, but my sister Dawn saved me all of her clothes and because they were born in the same month, it has been a lifesaver to have all of her clothes! Thank you Dawnie for being so thoughtful and storing them for me for almost seven years!!!

Chester and Ella watching Baby Einstein together. Chester will literally sit and watch the entire thing!

He is going to be ONE SMART DOG!!! :o)

Quick weekend trip down to Florida. Jeff and Ella were playing together in the airport.

Ella got to meet my grandmother..who we call Mama. She has now officially met all of her grandparents and great grandparents...and she has a lot of them!!

Mama had so much fun with Ella. She said she couldn't remember the last time she got to hold and play with a baby. Ella loved her too! Every time she would talk to Ella, she would giggle! It was cute!!!

What an awesome great grandmother getting down on the floor to play with me!

Tummy time at Mama's house!

Some of our family that lives in Florida. This is Mama, My Uncle Tim(mom's brother), Aunt Maria, and cousins Samantha, Breanna, and Rebecca. It was so good to see them while we were down for a few days!

Spending time with Ella before leaving for work!! Friday nights are sad for me because that means I barely see Jeff and Ella all weekend!

Giving mommy loves before she leaves for work. Sweet girl!

All dressed up and ready to go to a baby shower with mommy!


Fun playtime with my daddy!!!!!!

We did a lot this month! It was a fun month of Ella really coming into her personality, cutting teeth, and trying and loving baby food. She also learned how to roll over. She loves to roll over to her belly, but then gets stuck on her belly and can't roll back to her back. I have found her asleep on her belly a few times after going to sleep on her back. She is a sweet baby girl, and we are absolutely soaking up every day the Lord has given us to enjoy this baby girl!!!!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

those photo shoot pics of you and her are the best!!!

and I think that pic of her in her car seat w/ the brown bow on her head has to be one of my all-time favorites so far!!!!

and her nursery looks great - awesome job!!!!!