Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Aunt Spooky comes for a visit! AKA....Alyssa! :o)

Alyssa is a girl from our youth group in Illinois who has become a good friend of mine! She usually comes down at least once a year for a visit. This time she came down at the end of my maternity leave and stayed for two weeks to help me with my transition back to work. It was so helpful to have her there so I could rest up while she watched Ella for me! Thank you so much Alyssa for coming! She made the 16 hour drive all by herself!

Alyssa got really good at putting Ella to sleep!

Swimming time!!!

Alyssa and Ella at the pool.

I love this picure! I walked in the bedroom to see what Jeff and Ella were up to and found them asleep together on the bed! :o)

Jeff's first Father's Day! Opening his present from Ella!

Ella just LOVES her daddy!!!

A picture of Alyssa putting Ella to sleep.

This is my favorite picture of the two of us!

Chester has always loved Alyssa! We still get him to come in from outside by saying her name! It probably has something to do with the fact that he has known her since he was a puppy! :o)

Carrie, Alyssa, and I at the pool. Alyssa stayed with Carrie on the nights that I had to work, and then would come back over in the morning and watch Ella so I could sleep while Jeff was at work! It worked out so nicely! Why did you have to go home again???

Just a picture of Ella being adorable!

She doesn't care that we think her hooded towel is adorable! She just wants to get dressed!

So, Jeff and I were trying to be frugal on my maternity leave since our income was significantly less, so Alyssa and I had this novel idea that we would try to groom the dogs ourselves! We actually didn't do too bad of a job, and it gave us time to wait to get them groomed until I had gotten a few regular paychecks again. Don't worry, we bleached the counter tops when we were done! :o)

Ella Hangin' out at Dickey's BBQ

Carrie and Alyssa at Dickey's. Something must've been really funny! Can't remember now.

Alyssa and I found Ella her first pair of sunglasses since we were going to the pool so much. They were a little big on her, but still so cute!

Alyssa bought me a new wallet. She was giving me a hard time because I have had the same wallet since she met me, and let's just was WAY outdated. So she got me this super cute one! and of course, it's GREEN!!! :0)

Just hanging out!


So, Alyssa and I tend to act pretty silly when we get you'll have to excuse the next few pictures. We used to go to the store and buy a cake and just sit with two forks and eat off of it...great, I know. Anyways, so we decided to get a cake a few times when she was down here(great for the weight loss plan), and we decided to have stupid things written on them. I guess you had to be there, but that at least somewhat explains the next couple of pictures!

Oh dear....there are no words for this picture!

Just being goofy!!

Ella taking a nap at the pool while mommy and Alyssa get some sun!

Swimmy time!!!!!

Sandy flew down to make the long drive back to Illinois with Alyssa. Sandy is a lady from our former church as well. It was great to get to see her again!!

Out to eat at Babe's Chicken! YUMMY!!

Jeff and I at Babe's

All three of us have matching Camry's, so we thought we would be cool and take a picture with them! LOL Arent' we just so cool?? :o) haha

Thank you so much Alyssa for coming all the way down here to help out for a few weeks! You were a big help, and of course as always......we had a TON of fun!!!

Here are a few more pictures from Father's Day that I uploaded in the wrong order. This is Jeff getting Ella ready for church that morning!

Alyssa with Ella on Father's Day! Thanks again for getting Ella this cute dress!!!

The three of us on Father's Day. Once again, just like our Mother's Day picture, Ella looks Thrilled!!!

Out to eat on Father's Day! WE LOVE YOU DADDY!!!!! I couldn't ask for a better husband and daddy than I have in Jeff!!! He is amazing and such a gift from God!!!

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