Tuesday, April 6, 2010

January 2010

January was an exciting month for Ella! She officially started crawling as soon as she got home from Wisconsin. She took a few little crawls up at grandma and grandpa's house, but really took off when she got home, and then didn't stop!! :o) She also started trying to say more words this month. Mama, Dada, Uh-oh, Pu-pu(puppies), and about five other consonents.

My great friend Jana took some nine month pictures for us. I am so sad she just moved to Japan! I'm going to miss her so much as a friend~ not to mention she is an amazing photographer!! These were taken out on her family farm. Here are a few of my favorites!

My friend Rayanne and I threw our friend Brooke a baby shower. It was fun to decorate with little boy things. Rayanne and I both have girls, so we had fun playing around with boy stuff! :o)

Brennely and Ella hung out while we set everything up. Their daddy's picked them up when they got off of work so we could enjoy ourselves, but it was nice for all of our coworkers to get to see them for a little bit.

Rayanne, Brooke, and I (and Luke)

We had several couple friends over for fajitas and taco ring. Jana hadn't seen Ella since she was a week old, so they had fun getting aquainted. For some reason, Ella loved Jana's boots! She kept trying to lick them! haha And yes, this is the same Jana that took our amazing nine month pictures!

Jana and Robert, Jay and Nicole, Kyle and Ashley, and Jeff and I. We had so much fun! We played a wild married couples game that night.....LOTS of laughs!!!

All bundled up for church on a cold January Sunday morning!

We had a playdate with Rayanne, Brennely, Brooke, and Luke(inutero). Can't wait until our kiddos are old enough to actually play together.

Ella was trying out Luke's awesome car jumper/walker. She loved it!

Jeff took off of work and went to New Moon with me for my birthday. We got a babysitter, and headed to the movies for the first time in a year and a half. Now, that's a good husband to go to a girly movie with me!! :o)

After the movie, we went and picked up Ella and all went to the Cheesecake Factory. It was so nice to all be together on my birthday.

Amie and Andy invited us over for a birthday dinner and amazing chocoloate cake!

Daddy's little buddy!

Happy baby girl!

Chester and Ella have figured out how to play tug of war with each other. They entertain each other quite a bit.

This is the last time Ella took a nap in her swing. She loved it, but is just getting too big and too mobile. She looks so sweet and peaceful. I will miss having her in my room during nap time.

Story time with daddy.

Digging for cherios in her bib.

Crawling ALL OVER the house! Having a mobile baby forces me to have to clean the floors a lot more often!

Ella really came into herself this month. She just really started being interested in everything around her, and her little personality really started to shine! She has amazing amount of energy, and LOTS of smiles to go around. LOVE this little girl!

Alot more confidence with standing!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

so glad you're doing this - I love seeing all the pics of her.

I love all of them from the 9 month photo shoot - so good!!!